Minggu, 13 Maret 2011



Communication skills has now become additional essential qualification. And nowadays, English is used for international communication. However, lack of communication skills in English language makes students nervous. An effective methodology as well as effective curriculum in the hands of teachers is necessary. It has been observed that theoretical part of this subject is emphasized.
Some aspects that we should pay attention in communication, especially in learning English language, they are listening, reading, speaking and writing aspect.
Listening skill is very important in learning English. Everyone who wants to learn English well should be able to master listening as one of the English skills. By studying listening skill, people can improve their English better than before. Listening has also a role in speaking, because people will be able to give response after they listen to speaker. Since listening is important to understand spoken message, the teaching of listening skill cannot be neglected from the English instruction. It is very beneficial for teachers to develop teaching and learning strategies to help students develop their listening capability.
In developing the skill, listening practice is probably the most reliable route to true communication. It is due to the fact that students’ speaking ability can be considered poor because they do not know how to express their feeling and ideas in listening, conversation, and communication. In fact, English listening is very helpful to all students to deepen or to improve their language skill.
To improve the students listening skill, the teacher is supposed to be imaginative and creative in developing their teaching methods to create good atmosphere and make the English lesson more exciting. In this way, the listening teacher has to be able to create interesting materials for the students in the process of teaching and they have to know how to apply it.
The influence of the materials and the methods of the English teacher in teaching learning process is really vital, because students will be more interested in following the study.
The competence of the teacher in teaching learning process will also influence the success of students in their study. Teacher becomes a facilitator learning personal and social change by assisting the developing person at those points where help is requested. Teacher should have a set of exercises, tasks or other activities for the students in their classes. It is really beneficial and positive experience to try various classroom activities because successful materials of the subject matter depend on the use of teaching method. To teach listening there are several methods which can be used by the teacher. By using the methods, the teacher will easily teach listening.
Generally, most of teachers teach listening skill in the language laboratory. During the process of teaching and learning, the teacher uses media such as tape recorder, headsets, textbook which are prepared after it is justified with the cassette, and hence the teacher makes his own script and the guidance. With a complete instrument on the language laboratory, the teaching learning process runs smoothly. But there are still some problems faced by the students in learning the skill. The students have many problems in this class such as limited vocabulary which has been the common problem for the students. The words that they listened to perhaps the new words that are unfamiliar. The other problems are the speed of the text and accent of native speaker.
Based on the previous phenomenon, the writer team wants to analyze deeply about A Study on the Method of Teaching Listening Skill. By knowing the method used by the teachers and find the problems faced by the teacher in teaching listening skill; therefore, the teacher or the student of Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Garut could reflect their teaching so that we can design better teaching technique.

This study concerns with the following problem statements that the writer team want to investigate:

In accordance with the main problem above, the aims of this study are as follows:

The writer hopes that this study will give some benefits in the study of English, especially in teaching listening skill. There are two kinds of benefits in this study, they are theoritical and practical benefits.

1.   Theoretical Benefits
a. The content of this study can be a model of the implementation of teaching listening.
b. The content of the study can be used for the next researchers who are interested in teaching listening.
2.   Practical Benefits
a. By seeing the content, the students can reflect their learning listening skill.
b. The teacher can also reflect their teaching.
c. The teaching can be adopted by other teachers in teaching listening skill.

This study is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is introduction which consists of background of the study, problem statements, objective of the study, significance of the study, and paper organization.
The second chapter is a review of related literature, which consists of the definition and significance of listening, methods implemented in teaching listening, the objectives of teaching English program, material and media of teaching English listening, teaching learning activities in teaching listening, the problems faced by teacher in teaching listening.
The third chapter is conclusion and suggestion. In this section, we just mentioned the summary of the content which followed by some recommendation from the writer team in face of the problems.

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